Paladins; Not-so-secret Secret

Episode 2: “Paladins; Not-so-secret Secret”

Appointed - Paladin (25)

Hi everyone!

With today’s title I am obviously referring to the power-house that is the levelling Protection paladin. Right from the get go she felt, well.. easy. To my detriment when playing the other members of Everything Amiy.

The sense of power and survivability of Appointed (featured left) has meant in her current 25 levels she has only seen a paltry 2 deaths; the first while in Wailing Caverns, and the second to Yetimus the Yeti Lord. The power of the Paladin instant heal combined with copious judgements for mana regen, mean that Appointed walks through most content. Everyone leaving your group in Ragefire? No problem, just wade in! Level 22 and in need of Iron? Just plough through Arathi Highlands, 1 mob at a time…

What I will try to do is summarise how the character has felt in the various categories of; PvE, PvP, Dungeons, Professions.

  • PvE: As stated above, Appointed is a powerhouse capable of walking through content and areas that on lesser character would dictate working around or switching zone. The skills move quickly and flow  into a nice rotation; Avenger’s Shield -> Crusader Strike -> Judgement -> repeat steps 2 and 3. Throw in an instant heal here and there, and it feels like you can take on the world… or an army of yeti’s… Your call.
  • PvP: n/a
  • Dungeons:  Even though she is one of my designated Tanks I haven’t had chance to go through many dungeons with her. My experience in Ragefire and Wailing Caverns left me wondering why I needed the other 4 people (and with LFG, honestly that’s not a bad sentiment). I’ll have to get back to you at a later date.
  • Professions: I am loving Mining! Engineering right now is a little lacklustre, but the Mining, holy smokes! It probably has something to do with the ease of travelling about the world looking for Ore, but the process on Appointed is downright hypnotic. I can report an excess of base metals that were sent to my Blacksmith, while other Miners in Everything Amiy sent across their spare Stones.
Well that’s it for this episode, look out for my next post detailing the UI setup and Addons I am using for this project. And before I forget; always remember to respect your bank alt’s right to level!

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