Transmogrification Fabrication

Episode 5: “Transmogrification Fabrication”

Hi everyone!

I hope this blog post finds everyone well. Today’s post is going to look briefly at building a transmog’ set from the get go, something that can celebrate the uniqueness of each class and/or profession, look nice, and have you stand out 
Books and Staves
from the crowd. These sets can be broken down into 3 main groupings; professions, classes, races. I’ll pick out a few of the items that are already part of my ‘goal’ sets, and yes I can say that with certainty. Some of the TBC, Wrath and Cataclym skins are far and away better than the original vanilla and older items. It’s simply a case of being selective and knowing when to compromise ease of availability with sheer awesomeness.The pictures are not in order of the section, but I will reference back in the comments.

1. Professions 

With professions we have the opportunity for some key items, case in point being Engineering Googles. So many exist to tailor to different sets, and you have the opportunity to level with the rest of the transmog. Less obvious pieces are the Goggles and Maces‘theme’ of the items reflecting the professions of the whole Alt cadre, along with peoples perceptions of the class. For example Prioress the Priest is a devote 1H + OH and wields an Inscription made Book (even though this is not her profession), these books are surprisingly well skinned and are a subtle but nifty little addition. I plan on including some of the basic vanilla items to such as the Hillmans shoulders for Forager. They are simple, understated, but really do stand-out because you aren’t a flashy, glowy, splotch of colour on the screen.

2. Classes

Classes are much more to do with the blizzard perceptions of classes. A Priest is white with clean lines, a Warlock is dark with smoke/flames, a Warrior is big and bulky (you see where this is leading!). Some of the low level quest weapons that Bowwere in the revamped class quests for Cata are really quite good graphics, case in point being the Paladin, Battlemace of the Order from the SFK Quest. The item may not be a perfect match now, but with some of the Blood Knight items later on, it will be true to the Class (<< ++ Transmog pts. for Race match >>). Not all of the class items are particularly grand, the Mage staff is rather dull along with the Rogue Dagger not being anything out of the ordinary.


The low levels set in the truest interpretation of the classes, before they get blown out of proportion and end up with Warriors walking around in so much metal they won’t even be able to walk. What is key to remember with your Alts is, you want something that is not going to require endless hours doing the equivalent of punching-ponies-in-the-face. Little effort, coherent scheme, and the ability to bring a Transmog up the levels with you. Set your class ideas lower, and I guarantee you will learn to love it. What Warlock for example, wouldn’t want to use a Scythe?

3. Races

I’ve already mentioned some of the Race themes above; Blood elves and Goblins as the ‘newer’ races have the opportunity for higher quality low level items. Building on the theme of the races you can come out with a few nice extras; give that Orc a 2handed Axe, this Tauren a mighty hammer, the Goblin some ridiculously affluent Goblinsarmour vest. That’s right folks, novel interpretation of blizzard lore! The Warcraft sandbox we all play within has rich tapestries for most classes, but it isn’t the only representation of the races within our sphere of fantasy video gaming. My Orcs are burly rampaging maniacs where stringing two thoughts together is as hard as having full body armour. My goblins need to be short, abrasive and.. well, I guess Blizzard got these lil’ guys spot on. You can see Obscure to the side in her Darkmoon Fair regalia, it’ll become a mainstay for her in the future. The shoulders are the motivation to level faster and find nicer ones!

It’s so easy to talk about these topics, but the best advice I can give budding Alt players who want to level those bank-alts in style is find something manageble and quickly recognisable.By all means have far reaching goals, but if you work within your means I can guarentee you will end up a much more satisifed player.

Look out next week for information regarding the upcoming competition, with some nifty loot codes to dish out. For now though folks, please remember to respect your bank-alts right to level!

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