Levels, so many levels!

Episode 11: “Levels, so many levels!” (insert maniacal laughter)

Hello Alt-fans!

I have certainly been a busy beaver these last few weeks. All of the baby alts in Everything Amiy are now  level 40 with mounts, i’ve netted myself 5,000 gold without trying by just selling off surplas materials (this helped get some bank tabs). And for a cherry on to i’ve pushed all of my professions to 200-225+. In each post the character is shown along with it’s professions, role, and current mount – click the image for a link-through to their Armory profile. So without further ado, lets have a character role call with how things have been: nice graphics supplied at no extra cost!

Ah the joy of the lowly Paladin, one of the first to be levelled she continues to be great fun levelling. In keeping with her Tank role I have been primarily in Dungeons, just enough outside activity to knock Andorhall on the head in Western Plaguelands. No complaints for her either in or out of the dungeons!

One interesting point when the Paladin isn’t your main character; it’s worth saving the dungeons. By this I mean don’t blitz through all of the levels at once, do a few here or there and it will really help to break up the levelling monotony. Plus it’s just such a smooth experience it makes a great de-stress after a frustrating day in the office.

In her travels she managed to see Uldaman only twice, both times the fresco (to the left) on the main doorway completely grabbed my attention. It may only be my imagination.. but all of the ‘cherubs’, just look like naked Goblins.

Just saying..

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Episode 10: “Shadow-who?”

Hello Alt fans!

It’s been a little while since my last post, i’ve been a busy bee levelling the baby alts up all through to 35+. Just one more little push this week and i’ll be putting out a more in-depth article about the process from 60% to 100% mounts.

Today’s post is regarding my good friend, a fellow alt’er, and a brand new Warcraft player to boot; Shadow! Easily recognisable by his naming convention of ‘Shadow’ a birds name, even being a new player he is having a great time playing 1 of each class (DK excluded). He can often be found rampaging around camps blithely ignoring quests in favour of ‘killing’ anything that moves. I have included a banner image above of all the characters, along with a name list to the left, have a guess at which is which class.

It’s been a real joy to see how the game tickles a new player, and how the changes Blizzard have made help guide new players through class mechanics. I’ve had to provide help here and their with things such as macro’s and addons, but by and large the glowing / shiny / golden pointed from Blizzard seem to be doing a great job. I still fondly remember back in Vanilla, making list with friends of levelling guides, items worth auctioning, all the fun stuff we now take for granted. When was the last time that when stuck on a quest, you didn’t simply go to Wowhead?

Oh well, only a short post (I really want to get back to levelling!). I’ll leave you with some not-so-sage-advice; turn on your blizzard beginner tooltips and make a new character, just to see what a great job they’ve done.

Remember folks, Bank alts have levelling rights too! Viva la alt revolution!

Over the (first) Hill

Over the Hill

Episode 4: “Over the (first) Hill”

Hello fellow WoW-aholics!

It has been a gruelling week of Professions and Leveling; all of the characters are finally 150 in each profession, with some notable stand outs at 225 (Enchanting, Inscription, and one of the Skinner crew). On top of this, the 9 baby alts are now 25 (pause for cheering here). I’ve included a nice picture below to record the achievement, combined with the banner above proclaiming just how over-the-hill all of the Alts are; a very minor hill, but with a definite incline.

Character ScreenIn brief I thought I would highlight some of my best and worst experiences for both the levelling and the professions. More for a cathartic experience to vent than any use to future alt-players. I promise you a more useful update on alt-themed Transmogrification over the weekend!

1. Levelling

As a whole the easiest character has to be the Paladin, I have however waxed lyrical about how smooth the grind, dungeons and questing were. Second to Appointed, would be Soulful. While others may do more damage, have better control, or a more versatile role.. the Warlock has proven itself the cockroach of caster classes.

Soulful is able to DoT and move consistently, while some smart targeting on the Felguard enable me to have an endless stream of experience trickling in. One of the best situations was in the Gnoll infested Farm of south eastern hillsbrad. I stood in the middle of the farm and pulled things in a never ending march, it really felt like I was dancing through the mobs. The experience was wholly settling, much like raiding on a vanilla Rogue with a satisfying rotation.

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Classes, Races, and Professions

Episode 1: “Classes, Races, and Professions”

Hello fellow Alt-a-holics!

This evenings post is regarding the class, race and profession split of all the Alts – even those not yet with us! It lists the class, name, level, race, professions, role, and leveling style. And wait, there’s more! If you wonder what the total profession count will be, scroll down to the ‘Professions’ section.

I had a blast thinking of how to segment all of the possible combinations; what has arisen is a group of classes and specs that I have never played before. Fun, fun, and more fun! The game really does feel brand new.

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