Mobile Armory, the Auctioneer in your Pocket

Episode 12“Mobile Armory, the Auctioneer in your Pocket”

A very good evening to everyone reading!

As if it wasn’t enough to just play the game we love at home, the Mobile Armory application from Blizzard has finally caught my attention. The fact it’s free (now) is just the icing on the cake really! I first dabbled with the App when it was released to use the guild chat feature, but after a lacklustre free trial I gave it up as a bad job. For chatting ingame it just felt to clunky and far away from the goings on in the real guild chat. Not so for some of the other features (as I am finding out) such as the bane of my working day, live Auctions and the ability to check, collect, and create. The 3 ‘C’s of my hourly ritual.

It’s hard to explain without people seeing and having a go, which you all should be doing when you get a chance. The Auction system doesn’t require you to be in a city. That should be stressed again; no need to be anywhere near anything! Simply shift all of what you would like to sell to one character, fill their bank / bags, and have at you. What i’ve been doing is listing my auctions of an evening by funneling things to 1 character (Departure the Death Knight), then checking them all in the morning and at lunch for competition. The big sellers (i.e. my lil’ Bomblings and Smoky’s) are removed and re-listed if any competition pops up. By using 1 character this entire process is sped up to be more than manageable.

At first I was dubious about listing new Auctions using the mobile app, but it’s really rather simple. Blizzard have incorporated a ‘similar items’ area which while I’m unsure if the items are the lowest possible, the items i’m listing for the given prices are selling. Quickly too. Bigger items I would still say put some caution into though.

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Competition Musings


Aside: “Competition Musings”



I’ve devised what I think is a fun idea for a contest, hopefully something that will grab some peoples attention. A cross-race Horde scavenger hunt! The list of items include something Stolen, something Gathered (or bought), something Crafted (and I will be checking the name), something Questioned (flavour text anyone?), and something punched very hard in the face (Slain). I’ve got 5 variations, for each of the starting factions, that will involve players either making 5 characters, or having 1 character run through the various starting 1-10 areas. I’ve tested 2 of the routes out, and they can be completed in under 3-4 hours if you have a plan right from the outset.

So what I am now thinking is offering the Mount (White Raptor) for 1st, the Grell (Impish NCP) for 2nd, and the Paint Bombs for the 3 runners up in 3rd to 5th place.

I’ll draw up an advertisement / enticement post and put it on some other server forums, and the new player forum, see who bites for running the event this weekend.

Needless to say I am bouncing in excitement! I’ll post some of the non-collectable Zone requirements later in the week, just so people have an idea but won’t be able to stockpile things. Keep your eyes on this space folks.. and please, remember to respect your bank alts right to level!

Classes, Races, and Professions

Episode 1: “Classes, Races, and Professions”

Hello fellow Alt-a-holics!

This evenings post is regarding the class, race and profession split of all the Alts – even those not yet with us! It lists the class, name, level, race, professions, role, and leveling style. And wait, there’s more! If you wonder what the total profession count will be, scroll down to the ‘Professions’ section.

I had a blast thinking of how to segment all of the possible combinations; what has arisen is a group of classes and specs that I have never played before. Fun, fun, and more fun! The game really does feel brand new.

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When Alt’s Attack!

Welcome fellow Alt’s!

It’s great to have more Alt-mad players interested in my not so little venture. I’m sure the idea isn’t unique, so I fully expect to be regaled with stories of fellow mass-alt players. What EverythingAmiy is working toward is a full compliment of every class and profession, with representation amongst all of the Horde races. But wait, theres more!

Rather than level 1 character to 85 at a time, powering through with Heirlooms, friendly boosts, and all around auction-house power levelling.. EverythingAmiy aims to work all 10 (11) characters up concurrently, keeping professions going across the board. By doing this on a fresh server I get to help revitalise one of the “ghost-realms”, Azuremyst (EU)! I’ve had a great welcome on the server from people understanding of the idea of levelling so many characters together, some derisive comments, and even some bemused scepticism. Overall 3months in, I continue to enjoy the time investment this project is taking.

People may wonder, “Why make a blog for this?” – the answer is simple, I wish there was a blog covering the same topic that I could follow for when I started the Everything Amiy project! Hopefully people will enjoy the spots I have planned on the various classes, professions, development and tid-bits that I find while levelling.

For now enjoy the Banner (see above!), look out for my next post detailing the class / race / profession split, and remember to respect your bank alt’s right to level!