Enjoy Alts? Enjoy Competitions!

Episode 6: “Enjoy Alts? Enjoy Competitions!”


Hello Azerothians, what follows is a copy of the competition text i’ve been post on the WoW Forums, the lovely little links don’t show up overlays here, but i’ve included links right through to WoWhead!

Thought i’d post a copy of the post here before I head over to post on the other forums. Lets see who bites! My loot codes finally arrived for which i’m thankful, so thought it was about time I made the threads.

I know have threads posted in the General and Newcomers forum, along with the top 3 Horde populated realms; KazzakDraenor, and Stormscale. Just to be safe, I posted on 2 of the bigger Alliance servers (but not the RP themed); Ragnaros (of which I am an alumni), and Silvermoon. As a final update, I have also posted to the Events section.. as well.. it’s an event!

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Competition Musings


Aside: “Competition Musings”



I’ve devised what I think is a fun idea for a contest, hopefully something that will grab some peoples attention. A cross-race Horde scavenger hunt! The list of items include something Stolen, something Gathered (or bought), something Crafted (and I will be checking the name), something Questioned (flavour text anyone?), and something punched very hard in the face (Slain). I’ve got 5 variations, for each of the starting factions, that will involve players either making 5 characters, or having 1 character run through the various starting 1-10 areas. I’ve tested 2 of the routes out, and they can be completed in under 3-4 hours if you have a plan right from the outset.

So what I am now thinking is offering the Mount (White Raptor) for 1st, the Grell (Impish NCP) for 2nd, and the Paint Bombs for the 3 runners up in 3rd to 5th place.

I’ll draw up an advertisement / enticement post and put it on some other server forums, and the new player forum, see who bites for running the event this weekend.

Needless to say I am bouncing in excitement! I’ll post some of the non-collectable Zone requirements later in the week, just so people have an idea but won’t be able to stockpile things. Keep your eyes on this space folks.. and please, remember to respect your bank alts right to level!

Transmogrification Fabrication

Episode 5: “Transmogrification Fabrication”

Hi everyone!

I hope this blog post finds everyone well. Today’s post is going to look briefly at building a transmog’ set from the get go, something that can celebrate the uniqueness of each class and/or profession, look nice, and have you stand out 
Books and Staves
from the crowd. These sets can be broken down into 3 main groupings; professions, classes, races. I’ll pick out a few of the items that are already part of my ‘goal’ sets, and yes I can say that with certainty. Some of the TBC, Wrath and Cataclym skins are far and away better than the original vanilla and older items. It’s simply a case of being selective and knowing when to compromise ease of availability with sheer awesomeness.The pictures are not in order of the section, but I will reference back in the comments.

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Over the (first) Hill

Over the Hill

Episode 4: “Over the (first) Hill”

Hello fellow WoW-aholics!

It has been a gruelling week of Professions and Leveling; all of the characters are finally 150 in each profession, with some notable stand outs at 225 (Enchanting, Inscription, and one of the Skinner crew). On top of this, the 9 baby alts are now 25 (pause for cheering here). I’ve included a nice picture below to record the achievement, combined with the banner above proclaiming just how over-the-hill all of the Alts are; a very minor hill, but with a definite incline.

Character ScreenIn brief I thought I would highlight some of my best and worst experiences for both the levelling and the professions. More for a cathartic experience to vent than any use to future alt-players. I promise you a more useful update on alt-themed Transmogrification over the weekend!

1. Levelling

As a whole the easiest character has to be the Paladin, I have however waxed lyrical about how smooth the grind, dungeons and questing were. Second to Appointed, would be Soulful. While others may do more damage, have better control, or a more versatile role.. the Warlock has proven itself the cockroach of caster classes.

Soulful is able to DoT and move consistently, while some smart targeting on the Felguard enable me to have an endless stream of experience trickling in. One of the best situations was in the Gnoll infested Farm of south eastern hillsbrad. I stood in the middle of the farm and pulled things in a never ending march, it really felt like I was dancing through the mobs. The experience was wholly settling, much like raiding on a vanilla Rogue with a satisfying rotation.

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Buttons, Frames, UI.. Oh My!

Episode 3: “Buttons, Frames, UI.. Oh My!”

Good evening everyone!

Today I bring you a brief run down of the UI and Addon structure currently in use on all 10 characters in Everything Amiy. It may be drastically simpler than what most people would expect, after having spent years with a cluttered UI and addons coming out the wazoo. I’ve found that simpler is definitely better, throw in a rigid structure for the buttons and what you get is somewhere between 75/80% efficient at any role. The screen-shots below should help walk you though everything.


1] Altoholic (Addon)

This addon is as close to mandatory as I think you will find for a dedicated player of the Alt persuasion. It offers the ability to cataloge which characters have what values of gold, ensures you spend your rested  (of which I am terrible at doing), and lastly has an additional overlay feature.

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Paladins; Not-so-secret Secret

Episode 2: “Paladins; Not-so-secret Secret”

Appointed - Paladin (25)

Hi everyone!

With today’s title I am obviously referring to the power-house that is the levelling Protection paladin. Right from the get go she felt, well.. easy. To my detriment when playing the other members of Everything Amiy.

The sense of power and survivability of Appointed (featured left) has meant in her current 25 levels she has only seen a paltry 2 deaths; the first while in Wailing Caverns, and the second to Yetimus the Yeti Lord. The power of the Paladin instant heal combined with copious judgements for mana regen, mean that Appointed walks through most content. Everyone leaving your group in Ragefire? No problem, just wade in! Level 22 and in need of Iron? Just plough through Arathi Highlands, 1 mob at a time…

What I will try to do is summarise how the character has felt in the various categories of; PvE, PvP, Dungeons, Professions.

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Classes, Races, and Professions

Episode 1: “Classes, Races, and Professions”

Hello fellow Alt-a-holics!

This evenings post is regarding the class, race and profession split of all the Alts – even those not yet with us! It lists the class, name, level, race, professions, role, and leveling style. And wait, there’s more! If you wonder what the total profession count will be, scroll down to the ‘Professions’ section.

I had a blast thinking of how to segment all of the possible combinations; what has arisen is a group of classes and specs that I have never played before. Fun, fun, and more fun! The game really does feel brand new.

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When Alt’s Attack!

Welcome fellow Alt’s!

It’s great to have more Alt-mad players interested in my not so little venture. I’m sure the idea isn’t unique, so I fully expect to be regaled with stories of fellow mass-alt players. What EverythingAmiy is working toward is a full compliment of every class and profession, with representation amongst all of the Horde races. But wait, theres more!

Rather than level 1 character to 85 at a time, powering through with Heirlooms, friendly boosts, and all around auction-house power levelling.. EverythingAmiy aims to work all 10 (11) characters up concurrently, keeping professions going across the board. By doing this on a fresh server I get to help revitalise one of the “ghost-realms”, Azuremyst (EU)! I’ve had a great welcome on the server from people understanding of the idea of levelling so many characters together, some derisive comments, and even some bemused scepticism. Overall 3months in, I continue to enjoy the time investment this project is taking.

People may wonder, “Why make a blog for this?” – the answer is simple, I wish there was a blog covering the same topic that I could follow for when I started the Everything Amiy project! Hopefully people will enjoy the spots I have planned on the various classes, professions, development and tid-bits that I find while levelling.

For now enjoy the Banner (see above!), look out for my next post detailing the class / race / profession split, and remember to respect your bank alt’s right to level!